Saturday, May 19, 2012

APUSH Exam study notes

Nixon's Issues
Tapped phones, used the IRS, and dirty tricks to stop leaks For example, he tried to discredit Ellsberg, the Psychiatrist by having people break into his office and steal his psychiatric files and have him discredited. He formed CREEP and hired some low level burglers. The burglers broke into the Democratic Party Headquarters to ensure his victory. The headquarters was at the Watergate Office Complex. Woodward and Bursnteen investigate the low level burglers. They found a note in one of the people's wallets a phone number to the Oval Office. They start to investigate and sparks a Congressional Committee that starts investigating the President because President Nixon tried to cover up Watergate. John Dean went to Congress to discuss what he knows. While he was begining to anwser questions, he spoke of tape recordings in the Oval Office. The Congressmen looked at each other and found out that the President was taping every conversation in the white house. When he was asked to hand them over , he said that the tapes belonged to him and it was his executive priviledge. Supreme Court rules against him. He hands over the tapes. Congress begins Impeachment proceedings. Then President Nixon resigned August 8,1974. President Ford became the first unelected President of the United States. His previous Vice President was removed for Tax evasion. Nixon then selected Ford as Vice President. War Powers Act Nixon vetoes the War Powers Act because it limited his powers.

 Nixon's Southern Policy

 President Nixon need the South to win reelection. Te South was disatisfied with the Democrats and Civil Rights Amendment. He backed Strom Thrumond in an attempt to suspend school desegregation. This is to win the South's votes.

 Nixon's Domestic Policy

 Expanded Social Security aid to dependent Children Protection of air and water EPA and OSHA Title IX Philadelphia plan is a plan for affirmative action with Federal contracts. He tried to reduce the Great Society and New Deal with a welfare cheats. Competition from Japan and Germany increased because the Japanese and German cars used less gas than the cars from big three. This resulted from the OPEC oil embargoes. Eastern Liberal Academia and Liberal press were blamed by Vice President Agnew. He tries to put blame on other people. He tried to increase Presidential power and reshape the courts. More

APUSH Nixon Foreign Policy

 In Chile, the people elected a leftist president. The CIA overthrew him. They replaced him with a ruthless dictator. This is in the name of Containment. In 1973, Kissinger tries to broker deals with a cease fire. The US was walking a tightrope with Israelies and Arabs. The OPEC oil embargo increased oil by 5 percent for each month that the situation was not solved.

 Nixon's Foreign Policy

President Nixon went to China and got away with it because he was a staunch communist fighter. It goes back to his time on the House of Un American Activities Committee. He signed the SALT I with the Soviet Union. His policy with Mainland China and Soviet Union was called detente.

 Vietnam War Protests
Neil Young Wrote "Ohio". He was very frightened at the time and he wanted to make Nixon's enemies list.

Nixon's Mad Man Policy
He wanted the communists to know that he is very unpredictable. He uses this to get the North Vietnamese to the bargaining table. In 1970, President Nixon expanded the Vietnam War. He wins the election and bombs Hanoi and mines Haipong Harbor. He also bombs Cambodia. He expands the war to Cambodia. This supports his peace with honor.

Easy Rider
 Easy Rider sets up a really growing culture. It shows the society of two cultures that are along generational lines. It shows the new generation likes to experiment, while the old generations like to remain the same as the past.

 President Nixon When he was inaugurated, massive protests crowded the streets. Protesters called for America to get out of Vietnam. They burned flags and disrupted the motorcade of newly inaugurated President Nixon.

 Marshall Court
John Marshall was a Supreme Court Justice appointed by President John Adams. He was not the first Chief Justice. John Jay was the first Chief Justice. Chief Justice Marshall established judicial review and the power of contracts. As a staunch Federalist, he supported buisness. As a result, he voted in favor of contracts in Fletcher v. Peck and Dartmouth College v. Woodward. Fletcher v. Peck was the land fraud in Georgia. Marshall concluded that the state could not pass a law invalidating a contract. The state law was declared unconstitutional and void. This decision could be made because Marbury v. Madison established Judicary Review. Judicial Review allowed the Supreme Court to decided the Constitutionality of a law passed by the Legislative Branch. Dartmouth College v. Woodward decided that New Hampishere could not alter a contract of a private institution. Therefore, the state law of New Hampishere was declared Null and void and unconstitutional.

 APUSH Supreme Court Cases
 John T.Scopes Trial was deciding the legality of a Tennessee law that prohibited the teaching of evolution in the state's public schools. It illustrated the cultural clash between fundamentalism and modernism in the 1920s. Korematsu v. United States of America decided that it was constitutional for the government to relocate the Japanese Americans to internment camps during World War Two because it was a war time necessity. The Warren Court used its power to promote social programs. Baker v. Carr decided the principle of one man and one vote. The Supreme Court required the reapportionment of districts for some state legislatures. Griswold v. Connecticut struck down a law prohibiting contraceptives. The court proclaimed the right to privacy that soon provided the basis for Women's abortion rights. Miranda v. Arizona ruled that no confession could be admissible unless a suspect had been made aware of his or her rights and the suspect had waived them. This is called Miranda rights. Roe v. Wade upheld abortion rights for women.