Sunday, April 19, 2009

5 reasons why we should not use Biofuel

1. There are people in the world without food. They are so poor that they can barely afford bread. Why should we be selfish and use up the corn to fuel our cars when there are people starving?

2. Bio fuel uses petroleum to turn the corn into the oil that we use for cars. We're still using petroleum oil in Bio fuel. Even though the media and the politicians say that this is helping the environment. No, No, No, we need more strategic plans to avoid using petroleum. Our everyday lives require petroleum. From the clothes, to the cars, we are too dependant on oil and using Bio fuel is still using Petroleum. Why waste the good petroleum that was created over millions of years on turning food into oil?

3. Our engines need to be adjusted for Bio fuel because not all engines are used to corn in the tank. Adjusting it costs money.

4. Don't be fooled by Al Gore. Al Gore's a politician that has done research. His research has been strongly contradicted by scientists around the world. Yes, the ice is melting, but using bio fuel is not an option to alternative energy.

5. It uses the petroleum that we use to make our clothes. We have cotton, but the polyester comes from petroleum. We can't waste the petroleum on burning precious food because we need it for clothes. Bio fuel is not helping our world wide hunger crisis. It is making the hunger crisis worse.

Next time, when you hear the government talking about using Bio fuel, tell them that it is not an option. It is a bridge to no where. Don't be fooled by the government's propaganda because they studied law, not environmental science. They know nothing about environmental science.