1945 ---Yalta Conference; Roosevelt dies; Truman becomes President; Relations between the US and the Soviet Union began to break down; Potsdam Conference
1946---American Plan for Control of Atomic energy fails;Atomic Energy Act;Iran Crisis in which US Forces USSR to leave ; Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech; Iron Curtain speech states that Europe had been divided into two separate parts;
1947--Truman Doctrine; Federal Employee Loyalty Program; House Un American Activities committee investigates movie industry
1948--Marshall Plan launched; Berlin Airlift; Berlin Blockade;Israel created by the United Nations through a partition of Palestine; Hiss-Chambers Case; Truman elected President
1949---Soviet Union tests atomic bomb; NATO established with 12 original members; George Orwell's 1984 is published;Mao Zedong wins the Civil War and Jiang Jie-shi loses and flees to Formosa;
1950---Truman authorizes development of Hydrogen bomb; Alger Hiss convicted;Joseph McCarthy's Wheeling Speech on Subversion;NSC-68; McCarren Internal Security Act
1950-1953---Korean War
1951--Japanese American Treaty
1952--Dwight D.Eisenhower was elected to president; McCarthy heads Senate Permanent investigations Sub-committee;
1953--Stalin dies; Khruschev consolidates power;East Germans stage Anti-Soviet Demonstrations;Shah of Iran returns in a CIA supported coup
1954---Fall of Dien Bien Phu ends French Control of IndoChina;Geneva Conference on Vietnam; Guatemalan Government overthrown with CIA help;Mao's forces shell Quemoy and Matsu;Army-McCarthy hearings
1956--Suez incident; Hungarian Freedom Fighters suppressed;Eisenhower reelected
1957--Russian launched Sputnik
1958---US troops sent to support Lebanese government
1959--Castro disposes Batista in CubaAtomic Energy Act resulted in a possibility for a civilian nuclear industry because it covers the law for development, disposal, and regulation of nuclear waste and facilities in the United States.
Hiss and Chambers Case convicted Hiss of being a communist and a member of the Communist Party.1984 denounced communism and socialism and the Soviet Style Totalitarian state. Hiss was a distinguished New Dealer. Richard Nixon took up the case and got an admission out of Hiss tat he had known Chambers. Hiss sued Chambers for libel while Chambers accused Hiss of being a Soviet Spy. Hiss indicted for lying under oath. Hiss case demonstrated to Americans that Communist threat was real and within America. SoS under Truman, Dean Acheson was resented for supporting Hiss, and Truman himself was mistrusted. Red Scare also targeted homosexuals, who were viewed as insecure and posing a security risk.
McCarren Internal Security Act required Communist organizations to register with the US Attorney General. The Subversive Activities Board created by the Attorney General investigated all persons suspected of subversive activities to establish a totalitarian regime.
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