
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

China's Uygurs — National Geographic Magazine

China's Uygurs — National Geographic Magazine
National Geographic is talking nonsense about Han majority coming into the province of Xinjinag. Xinjiang has been part of China for thousands of years. This land has always been ours and the Uigurs are part of the Chinese family. However family don't kill other family members. That is wrong on all levels. Xinjiang Uygurs are miniorities that purposely kill people and destroy public property. They sent buses and cars on fire. They killed hundreds of people. This is a terrorist attack. If they want to get a message across , then they can submit emails, phone calls or peaceful protests, but not by violence. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only love can do that. Hate cannot be driven out by Hate, only love can do that"(Dr. martin Luther King Jr). You cannot fight fire with fire because the end resault is a bigger fire that rages on from both sides. The Central government only ended the fire by calming the Han majority and the Uygur minority. They did not contribute the violence in any way. I will reiterate that they did not contrbute to the violence in any way. The fault was in the Uygurs.

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