
Thursday, April 9, 2009

Monsters vs Aliens

Monsters vs Aliens is the new Hollywood hit movie. Children loves it, adults enjoyed it and critics finds it satisfactory. This new hit movie stares Reece Witherspoon as Ginormous or Susan Murphy. This new movie was about a girl named Susan Murphy. She suddenly got hit by a meteorite before her wedding. Her boy said, "Whoa, Susan your glowing.I mean you're really glowing."
Susan got caught by federal agents and placed in a facility where monsters are held. She joins Dr. Cockroach PHD, BOB, and the missing link. She also finds the insectivore's. Each one was caught because they were monster

Dr. Cockroach has a PHD degree. He was a mad scientist that got turned into a cockroach. The cockroach may be small, but he can turn junk into technology. He is a brain maniac.

The Missing Link is a creature that was captured because he had destroyed several towns and thought to be dangerous.

To be continued

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