
Thursday, February 19, 2009

New York Post in racism row over chimpanzee cartoon | World news | The Guardian

New York Post in racism row over chimpanzee cartoon | World news | The Guardian

Recently , there has been a Chimpanzee attack in the United States of America. New York Post decided to report this attack and show it on the news , but they also created a rasist cartoon. This cartoon is portraying President Obama as a Chimpanzee. Then two police cops shot the chimpanzee. One of the Police said, " They'll have to find another person to write the Stimulus Bill. That is insulting the President and the African American Race. You can not dislike the president in a cartoon that portrays an ape being shot. They just means you wan the President assinsinated.
This is unacceptable New York Post.
The News Media can not portray Racism through a cartoon because it still hards. America is a Nation full of Cowards. I am begining to believe this because statistics show that 50% of white americans live in subarbs and 50% Blacks live in Cities. Some white americans don't be social with blacks, but as Obama said, " There is no white america, no black America, no liberal america, there is the United States of America."
This photo also shows there freedom of Speech and Press, but this is not the right way to show it. This is just like the shoe throwing incidents. There are then one way to show dislikes and hatred. If one country hated another country, should they just go to war? No , because they know and Presidents know that we need Peace. To establish Peace is to creating firm relationships with other countries.
The same goes to the photo, they can't show the photo like this. President Obama is a hard waorking man. He went from a average high schooler to a graduate in Harvard Law. He is currently focused on his Stimulus Package.
The photo just proves that the New York Post is not worth reading.

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