
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

2000 years ago in 236 BCE, China is in a great civil war. The different warring states are fighting each other. One person named the Dragon Emperor is going to defeat all empires and form China.He enslaves his enemies to serve on the Great Wall construction and bury them in his wall. He kills the one that betrayed him. He pulls their limbs apart. Now the O'Connells'have discovered his tomb. They have awakenked the Dragon Warrior. If he reaches the Pool of Shangri-La then he will be immortal and able to summon his terra cotta army. Now the O'Connells and two immortal women who lived 2000 years to bring him down before he destroys the world.
In this epic series the O'Connells are going to China. This movie has awesome visual effects, special effects, camera shots, and story.
One of the best movie of the season.
The story does not have random scenes, everything flows not like Hancock. When they were filming in the Himalayas,they made it so real. Everything has great action like the battle between the undead and the Terracotta warriors.
This is my absolute favorite of the season. Rent it or buy it at Walmart. They have the greatest prices. This movie has great acting. The best acting was acting in acting when the O'connell's friend betrayed them and worked for the enemy that wants to bring the Dragon Emperor back from the grave.

Overall Grade: B

Story: B+

Acting: B

Direction: A+

Visuals: A

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