
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008)

Journey to the Center of the Earth is based upon the book by Jules Verne. This book starts with a geoly professor named Treavor Anderson. He is the brother of the Late Maxwell Anderson. Max and Treavor has studied the Earth and believed that there are volcanic tubes in the earth that passes the mantle to the Center of the earth. Max came to a conclusion that there is life below the surface, but Max gone missing in July 1997. About ten years later, his brother Treavor and his son, sean is going to Iceland. They believe that Max went to Ice land as well to investigate. They found his research, but the metal containment unit was destroyed by lightnig. Togeather Treavor , Sean, and there Icelandic mountain guide, Hannah, are going to the center of the Earth to find proof for Max's research. In this epic journey, Treavor, Sean and Hannah are going to discover dinosaurs, a terearium at the center of the earth, and extinct lightning birds. They find diamonds, rubies, feldspur, and emerald. This is an exciting journey with excellent camera shots and great visual effects. The camera shots are excellent. I never gor bored from looking at the movie. The Director of Photography is excellent. The movie is suspenseful, exciting, mouth-watering makes me want to see it again and again. I watched this movie at least 5 times and still wants to see more. This movie may have great camera shots, viusl effects, and special effects, it lacks a strong story and plot. It is not creative enough. They should have added to Verne's novel. It is not enough, they did not reach exceed expectations, they aimed for medicroacy. Medicrocy is great, but that is what 95% of the world's population does. Be like the 5% like Bill Gates, Tigar woods, Steven Speilburg, and Zhang Yimou. I am disappointedated at the stroy and plot. I found so excited at the suspense , but disappointed at the story and plot.

Story: C Medicore

Acting:B Good

Direction: A outstanding

Visuals: A outstanding

Overall: C medicore

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