
Thursday, November 6, 2008

Book Review for Game Set Life Peak Performance for Sports by Ed Tseng

I was reading the book Game. Set. Life: Peak Performance for Sports by Edward Tseng and I was thinking for someone who failed out of college twice, he wrote a really great book. Nolonger do I feel that going to a good college proves intelligence. I read the entire book in three days because I just thought it was really good. My favorite part of his book was when he would tell short stories for his readers. Those stories all had a meaning to the book. Those means were either about wanting to learn more, and have a strong mindset.
He says that if you make negatuve comments, body language, or even negative sounds like sighs then they will perform poorly. He says that a positive comments, body langauge, or even sounds can make people perform better. He wants his students, readers, friends, or family to have a positive mindset.
In the first lesson or chapter of the book he says that he wants his players to ACT like champions. He says that you don't have to be the best to ACT like a champion. Focus more on positive thoughts and try to elimate negative thoughts and choose positive thoughts. He says, " Your mind is like a garden, if you plant strawberries, you'll get strawberries. If you plant rasberries, you'll get rasberries. You can't get strawberries from rasberries seeds. Your mind is the same way, you can't get positive resaults from negative thoughts."
I believe thatn was one of the best says in the book.
In his last chapter he mentions how winning is not important. If you had fun, learn, and make adjustments. Don't get upset with an test score because if you learned from your mistake and made adjustments, then that is more important than a test score.
Game.Set.Life.Peak Performance for Sports is the greatest Sports Pshchology /sports recreation books I've read. He teaches you the success of great buissnessmen, athletes, and teachers. He teaches you how can tigar woods, Michael jordan , or Bill gates be so successful.

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