
Friday, February 12, 2010

17 Again

For most people, they wish that they can turn their whole life around, if they became 17 again. Michael O'Donnell lived an mediocre life with a separated wife and two unloving children. He is forced to live at his best friend's house and strange things occurred. This interesting movie left many people feeling sad because they felt the nostalgia with the vivid details of turning seventeen again. This is an interesting movie that captured my attention with its humor because our lives would be very different if the parents were that same age as their kids.

Michael O'Donnell noticed that as a father he knew absolutely nothing about his kids, but he learned more about them as he turned seventeen. An old man or an angel turned back the clocks and Mike went back to his seventeen year old self that had abs and good looks and cool basketball style. The transformation was unusual, awkward, and scary at first, but the funny part was when his best friend did not recognize him. Then his best friend acted as his father to enroll him into high school again. Then the romance part started to form. His best friend tried to get a date with the principal, he tried to get along with his wife, his daughter tried to get a boy to marry her, and his son tried to date the girl that he has been crushing on. The whole story revolves around romance and family connections. He ended up being his son's best friend that helped him with basketball and dates. Then the funniest part is when he danced with his wife, but he's still seventeen. Then the whole story goes DE jax vu.

The director did a great job resolving all the conflicts in Mike's life by turning him seventeen again. He got his wife back and he knows more about his children and his best friend got a second date. The whole movie is worth watching, but rent it. Don't buy it.