
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Romance is the third element in the new Harry Potter movie. Filmmakers decided it was time to show teenage romance. At the very beginning of the movie, Harry did not stay at 4 Privet Drive. Instead , Harry Potter waited for Dumbledore in a cafe. We saw Harry reading a newspaper and talking to a waitress. The waitress invited him to talk with her after her shift. After the waitress left, Harry blushed a little. After Harry's prophecy was revealed to the media, everybody called him the chosen one. (The person that can vanquish the Dark Lord.)Remilda Vane decided to slip him a love potion because she thinks Harry is the Chosen one. Harry's Best Friend, Ronald Weasley has Lavender Brown crushing on him. This made Herminone Granger upset and jealous. After seeing Ginny with other wizards, Ginny finally revealed her true crush. It turned out that Ginny always loved Harry.

Filmmakers made the romance fit in with the action and the adventure. Shortly After Ron had consumed Harry's love potion from Ramilda Vane, Ron also took a sip of the poison mead . (A stranger (malfoy) gave the mead to Professor Slughorn to be delivered to Professor Dumbledore.)Once again Harry saved the life of another wealsey with the beazor. He stuffed it into Ron's mouth, so that the poison can go away. Harry saved Ginny's life, Mr. Weasley's life and Ron's life. I guess it was good thing Ron decided to sit next to Harry in his first year.

Draco Malfoy has a task to complete. If he does not complete it, then the Dark Lord will kill him. Severous Snape has vowed to protect Draco because of the Unbreakable vow. He was forced to do it because Narcissa and Bellatrix persuaded him. Malfoy has sent Dumbledore a cursed necklace and a poison mead, but the delivery was never made. First , Angelina opened the package and got cursed herself. Then Horace Slughorn served the mead to Ron. Malfoy was devasted because if he failed he would be killed. If Malfoy got killed , then Snape would die with him. (If the unbreakable vow was broken, the person that vowed would die.)When Angelina returned from St. Mungo's hospital, Malfoy ran to the bathroom crying. Harry chased him and used the curse he learned from the half blood prince.

This movie is no longer all about spells, wands, and fighting evil, the movie has transformed itself. Must watch movie of the year.
My grade: A-.