
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Obama and McCain

Barack Barry Obama is an American senator. He was born in Hawaii and raised by his single mother. His father and mother divourced and his father died in a car accident. His Father was from Kenya. Barry's grandmother still lives in Kenya and has not passed away. Barry went to Los Angles for college , then Columbia, and Harvard Law school. He has made his way up the eduaction ladder. His mother has trained him well not to deal with drugs, alcholism, or smoking. Currently in 2008 Barack Obama is running for president against John Mcain. John McCain has his grandfather, his father , and himself in the military. You can track his ancestry all the way back to a Revolutionary war general. He is not fit for president, instead he is fit for Defense secretary. He is also way to old. His policy is George W. Bush all over again. He is promising Tax credits, but on the other hand he is taxing the middle class more. It is like two hands, one is taking and another is giving.
Barack Obama has high diplomacy and well educated in Law. He is also very respected in Chicago because of his achievements with Africian Americans there. Barack Obama has also married a well educated PHD degree wife. His wife Michelle Obama worked with law , the same as him. John McCain fought wars like Vietiam. He think that being a POW is an achievement, but in my book that is far from an achievement because Obama started out a low grade student , but worked his way up to an A student in Harvard. That is what I call Exceeding expectations. I would like to thank Barack Barry Obama for his acomplishments to the middle class. He knows the middle class much better because he is a middle class tax payer. Obama will also have energy independance with solar, wind, and electricity, so we can forget about oil, gas, and coal.
His running mate, Joe Biden is also a hard working person because Joe Biden reminds me of Bill Clinton. He has that voice and that abiltity to assist Obama. He can persuade easilly and most of the time will stay on topic. McCain's Running mate, Sarah Palin a governor can't even stay on topic for questions in a debate, how can this women be vice president.