
Thursday, October 9, 2008

What is the secret?

I was talking to Ed Tseng , author of Game Set life : Peak performance of Game, and I asked him what was the secret of those athletes?
He replied, " The secret of Michael Jordan or Derek Jeter is that they both act how they want to feel and not what they are feeling. This is very important in school, life , and work. You need to keep your mind focused , so if you are stressful, then you want to feel calmer. For example; In Tibet Province, monks laugh when the gong is hit and regardless if they want to laugh or not. Then the gong is banged again, so the monks are supposed to stop laughing, but they can't control their laughter because they are really laughing. This is the same for life, if you are feeling stressful, then act calm. Later on you will really feel calm. If you don't believe then try it yourself."
I went to try it myself at my Private violin lesson and I was feeling sleepy , so I listened to what he said and acted energetic. So I just proved Ed Tseng's philsophy works.

Tennis racquets

Why do pros carry so many racquets?
According to Trish Faulkner's book, Pros carry a lot of racquets is because if a string breaks, a grip fails, or a tennis racquet just doesn't feel right you could always switch a racquet. Trish put up an example, that she broke 2 racquets and the third had a bad grip and she didn't have a new grip, she was gripping it uncomfortably and she lost the match. If you are a begininer then buy 2 racquets, one for yourself and another for your parthner.
There are a lot of different racquets of different sizes and shapes, but it wasn't this way forever. Before the 1960s they only had wooden racquets, and pros started designing new racquets with steel or aluminum frame. If you are under the age of eighteen, then try to earn the money,because if you earn the money you have a better chance of learning the sport for a longer time.

Tennis Champions in History

There has been numerous tennis champions, but one American women was the first to win Wimbleton was Mary Sutton. She defeated one f the best volliers and leftiers named Norman Brookes of Australia. Another great tennis player was Englishmen Fred Perry. he also lent his name to a stlylish line of Tennis clothing for men and women. Althea Gibson was the first black women to win Wimbleton and showed us a great form of serve and volley power tennis. Arthur Ashe was the Men's top ten for 12 years and helped found the Association of Tennis professionals and served as a spokesperson for the men's game. According to Trish Faulkner if you could know about a player by reading about them, then take their strokes, take their keen minds, and their athletic ability and put them in one person , this person would be unbeatable.
Tennis was first played in its current form in 1874 and France first played it, but it was the English who spread the word. The France had beautiful cement courts and the english had beautiful lawn courts.
France and England had beautiful courts , but it wasn't unil 1881 that New Orleans had its first Lawn tennis club.

Tennis equiment history

Tennis is a international game played in all English speaking countries. It was the French who first pioneered it. They had more than 100 indoor and outdoor tennis courts. Then the English HenryVIII played lawn tennis. If someone beat Henry the VIIIthat meant beheading. Tennis has revolutionized very much. From the net, to the racquet , and to the balls.
The early equiment was just using your hands to hit the ball. Then they invented a racquet, this racquet was made ou of simple materials, and then it became today's racquet. Today's ball is made out of rubber, early balls were made out of wool and twine. The ball became rubber when the world realized that rubber could be used to make balls. This revolutionized Major Windfield's lawn tennis game. The equimented gradulated as well. The ball developed and the racquets density , material, and weight all changed in the ball and racquet. The Shape of the head of the racquet changed.
The Tennis court was first shaped like a hourglass, invented by Major Windfield. By 1877 , the court became more rectanglur. The net was set to 3 feet from the center and 3 feet 6 inches on the sides. The governing body of Tennis in the united states was the US National Lawn Tennis Association and then became the United States Tennis Association.
It was called Lawn Tennis because Major Windfield's rules said it had to be played on grass or Turf, but the ground needed to be level.
The score also changed. It is currently 15, 30, 40, deuce, advantage, love. The score love was from the french word l'oeuf meaning egg or the shape zero. Deuce is from the french word deux meaning two. So deuce in the scoring system means the two have the same score which is 40 to 40. It may be hard to memorize, but think of this as 15, 30, 40, and game. The scoring system was by the old french currency.
You could also play a game with 1, 2, 3, 4. When the player reaches 4 they win. Then when the person reaches 3 they are in sudden death mode, which means that whoever gets this point wins the game. I remember when I was playing sudden death. I was really nervous and that costed me the match.
Now you know the history and the scoring , go play one match. Remember this sport is Co-Ed.

Message #1

Welcome to My blog, World News at Blogger.
World news at blogger explains news that you have not heard of in the United States. My name is Henggao and I will be your host.
Today's message is about Taiwan's former president Chen shwai Biang. He has been in Taiwan's CTi a lot because he has withdrew money from all over the world and it was Swedan that found out he hacked in to accounts and stole money. He is very corrupted. There is still not enough evidence to arrest him ,but they will find more.
Current President Ma yingjiu wants to improve relationships with Mainland China. Chen shwai biang administration wanted to break away, but President Ma wants to improve relationships. He does not feel it is necessary to break away because the majority of Taiwanese all immigrated to Taiwan island from Mainland China during China's civil war.
China's first leader was nationalist named Sun zhong shan. Dr. Sun created the Republic of China in mainland , but was later moved to Taiwan. Taiwan is nationalist and China won the civil war so they became communist. Dr . Sun's mausoleum is in Nanjing , Jiangshu. You can visit it when you visit china.

Change in China China is not expected to hold on to it's purse strings. China is the World's fastest growing economy , but is not expected to rush to the rescue of the United States economy.
I was just hearing NPR about how China has a Capitalize economy and a communist government. Capitalism has grown all over the world. Capitalism allows free trade, Private companies, stock exchange with other nations , and businesses. China's government no longer have control over the economy because they do not own a lot of companies. Communism is weakening in China and the economy has numerous famous stores like Hagan Dias, Papa Johns, and subway. Some of the ice cream stores are hard to spot in America are moving to China like Hagan Dias. Hagan Dias is a famous European ice cream store. Dairy Queens is in China as well. Some businesses that lost many stores are moving to China, for example Pizza Hut is famous in Asian countries
Pizza Hut in China is a order restaurant, and not fast food. It is considered high quality. It is also extremely expensive.
Before during The Culture Revolution , China's government owned everything, and you can't say a single bad thing about the leaders. If you do , Mao's red guards will punish you severe.
The Red Guards are only 15 to 21 year old kids. They were created to spread Culture revolution throughout china. Chairman Mao, who was the highest position, started the Culture Revolution to reeducate those accorrding to his Red book. He would sent those people to the countryside for years. Everybody only got a few dollars a month. (Compared to now rich people in China can earn up to 100,000 dollars a month.) Then in 1976 , Chairman mao passed away and ending the culture revolution. It was a ten year revolution from 1966 to 1976.
If you read Chun Yu's Little Green, then you will know true accounts of the Culture Revolution through a child's eyes.